
This week I concentrated on the “Intro/Outro” slides for the podcast. I created them in photoshop with a 1280×720 canvas, coming in at 96 pixels per square inch. We were instructed to put the title, our name, our personal logo, and contact information. I wanted to keep the canvas really minimal, clean, as well as add an easter egg. The minimulistic look was achieved by combining my name, logo, and email address all mixed strategically together to form a charming composition within itself. Now for the easter egg, you should know that there are 4 basic principles to follow, therefore I made the title in the form of the number 4. Ironically it betrays and supports the principles of design that will be taught.

A decision was made to use the resource by “Paper Leaf” as a basic script for the podcast and to use slide presentation to deliver this information.

Intro Slide

Intro Slide


Outro Slide

Outro Slide